

Our 课程 is an important document that defines the educational goals of our Residency Training Program and is intended to clarify the learning objectives for all inpatient and outpatient rotations. Our program requirements are based on the 毕业 standards for categorical training in Internal Medicine.

This is a document that will change over time and is developed based on the following principles:

  • The 课程 was developed and updated by broad representation of faculty and residents.
  • The 课程 will define clearly the expectations of junior and senior residents on specific rotations. This is to help insure that our residents are gradually increasing their responsibility in regard to patient care and teaching responsibilities.
  • It also reflects the expectation that medical knowledge will gradually increase at different levels and that much of that learning is self-directed. 这也是预料之中的, as resident's progress through the 3-year training program that their skills with practice-based learning and the application and improvement or complex systems that we work in continue to improve throughout the 3-year training cycle.
  • The primary goal of our 课程 is to assist in training excellent internists who can successfully:
    • Practice quality medicine in both the inpatient and outpatient setting
    • 追求亚专业培训
    • Develop skills as an educator
    • 参与研究

它是 our hope that our residents will continually exhibit intellectual curiosity and that they will bring that style of practice to their patient care. This is best accomplished by being well trained in practice-based learning.

它是 difficult to convey in a 课程 our very high standard of professionalism and ethical conduct that we model and expect from all of our residents.

Graduate medical education by nature involves a great deal or self-directed learning. Our hope is that the 课程 will serve as a helpful template to guide learning and clinical maturation throughout all years of training.

Our electronic evaluation system is intended to reflect on a timely basis fair evaluations of the residents' performance. MedHub also allows us to clearly track development in all of the 6 core competencies. Residents are expected to meet minimum standards in the 6 core competencies and are strongly encouraged to develop excellence in all of these.

Those 6 core competencies include:

  1. 病人护理
  2. 医学知识
  3. Interpersonal and Communication Skills
  4. 专业
  5. 基于实践的学习
  6. 系统实践

它是 our expectation that our residents will read Rotation Specific Curricula prior to all rotations. 它是 also our ongoing intent to develop a post-test after specific rotations in order to test specific areas of knowledge.


护理的转变, 如果没有尽职调查, are associated with adverse events and/or near misses. 它是 our responsibility as clinicians to ensure that patient care/safety is always given the highest priority. 它是, 因此, imperative that measures are taken by EPO to ensure that signouts and/or handoffs are performed such that patient safety is assured and the rules of the 毕业 (as outlined below) are followed.

House staff and teaching attendings are required to review the curriclum at the start of each rotation. MedHub, 我们的网络系统, will automatically send an email with an attachment containing the appropriate curriculum documents a few days prior to the start of each rotation.




RRT /代码的团队


House staff and teaching attendings are required to review the curriclum at the start of each rotation. MedHub, 我们的网络系统, will automatically send an email with an attachment containing the appropriate curriculum documents a few days prior to the start of each rotation.



