
代理实习 & 选修课

Dr. Dewan using a case-based approach to teach

An acting intern discusses the validity and clinical applications of a paper with clerkship students.

4 .期间th year, medical students can complete acting internships in the department of psychiatry.  All placements must be approved through the department. Acting internships may be completed on inpatient, 门诊, 上瘾, or consultation liaison services.  另外, students may request to work with the child psychiatry or forensic divisions, VA, or Hutchings Psychiatric Center. SUNY 推荐最近最火的赌博软件 students who are interested in completing a 4th year AI or elective should contact 卡桑德拉读 (ReadC@6up85.com). 精神病学 is not included in the elective lottery and limited spots are held based on a first come, 先得制. 

推荐最近最火的赌博软件 students who wish to complete a unique elective must complete the Unique Elective paperwork 和一个 添加/删除表单. Forms can also be picked up at the Registrar’s office. Unique elective paperwork must be received by the Curriculum Office at least 6 weeks prior to the start of the elective.  No retroactive credit will be given.  Unique electives are not applicable to visiting students.

Visiting students who want to apply for an acting internship must contact the Registrar’s office for requirements and 申请过程 Instructions.